
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkin Pie Shake

Dear Fall,

Remember a couple weeks ago when I expressed my love for you?  Well, now I'm kind of upset with you.  Do you see this obsession that has come over me?  I drove an hour today just to get snacks that are affiliated with you.  I bought a bag of Hershey's Candy Corn Kisses, a bag of Hershey's Pumpkin Spice Kisses, and a bag of pumpkin spice candy corn, and had to get ahold of myself when I searched forever only to find that the Pumpkin Pie Poptarts weren't being sold.  (Seriously Target?) I dedicated a day to finding fall treats that aren't sold anywhere near here just to find out that the Pumpkin Pie Poptarts weren't there, Fall.  If it weren't for the Hershey's Kisses and candy corn, I may have thrown a fit, right there in the middle of the store.  Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you would help me control this obsession because it's getting a bit ridiculous.


P.S.  The orange stain on the letter?  Oh yeah, sorry, that's the pumpkin pie shake.  It's your fault. 

Pumpkin Pie Shake
Adapted from: Our Best Bites

1/3 C pumpkin puree
1/4 C milk
1/2 t cinnamon
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 T sugar or brown sugar
2 C vanilla ice cream
1-2 graham crackers, nilla wafers, etc.  I used leftover pie crust.

I started out by trying to put this in the blender.  That didn't work out so well for me, so I pretty much ended up doing it all by hand.  Just mix everything together! (You can stir the graham crackers/nilla wafers/pie crust in or crumble on top.  I stirred mine in)  Top with whipped cream.


  1. Oh man. This reminds me of the pumpkin ice cream I used to get at my hometown's annual Black Walnut festival. It is so damn good...I'm gonna have to make this milkshake now. :)


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