
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Joplin, MO Tornado

I am completely in shock about the Joplin, MO tornado.  I've grown up in a tiny town very close to Joplin my entire life and it was always the "go-to" place when someone wanted to shop, eat, or do anything entertaining.
If you haven't heard about it yet, there was an EF-4 tornado that hit Joplin on Sunday (May 22nd).  70 percent of the town is completely gone. It was the nations deadliest tornado in 65 years and at this point, the death toll is 117.  

That being said, I am so thankful to tell you that all of my loved ones are okay, but I'm so sorry I can't say that about all of the people of Joplin.

Me, Brenna, Tamara
I had a very close friend, Brenna, (who was already scared of storms to begin with) that had to endure the terrible tornado.  She lost everything she owns.  Everything.  And then had to spend 4 hours searching for her mom and brothers because they were missing and the place they were staying was completely leveled.  Can you imagine?  It brings me to tears just writing this because I can't imagine.  It's a miracle that they survived and I thank God for it.  They did come out with injuries, though.  Please, please pray for her family.  Here's an excerpt from an interview she did:
"Brenna took cover from the tornado in the laundry room of her second floor apartment with a boyfriend.
Everything was being torn apart around us,” Burzinski said. “It was terrifying. We were sure we were going to die.”
Burzinski said she later saw bodies being pulled from her apartment building.
“I don’t know how we lived,” she said. “I don’t know how any of us lived.”
She dreads that next dark sky.
“I’ll be scared that every storm will be a tornado,” she said.

My sister was also in the Target at Joplin when it happened and she said it was absolutely terrible.  I hadn't heard anything about the tornado until I got this text from my sister:
Start praying.  Covered with clothes and pillows.  Crying People.  Tornado Coming.  In target at back of store.  No electricity.  In Joplin. Tried to help a guy on fire. 
It just makes me sick to think about.  My heart and prayers goes out to those who are struggling right now.

I'm telling you guys because the blogging community is so strong and I know when I ever need any help, this is where I go.  You guys are awesome.  If you would like to donate, go to the Joplin, MO Tornado Recovery Facebook page to find out ways how.


  1. This storm was just horrifying. I feel like I'm a million miles away here in Montana but I did drive through Missouri and it breaks my heart thinking of anything bad happening to those sweet people. I'm glad you & yours are okay -- wish everyone was :(

  2. So incredibly sad but I am glad to hear your loved ones are safe. Sending prayers xo

  3. So incredibly sad but I am glad to hear your loved ones are safe. Sending prayers xo

  4. This is so terrible, I'm sorry for your friend, I'm glad you are ok

  5. I've been watching different videos and looking at pictures online or on the news...but that second video you posted, is unreal. I can't stop crying..again. I so wish I was around to help clear out and help those who still cant find their loved ones. I'm glad Brenna is ok. She is very lucky. Talked to Tim through it all, and it sounds like they were all lucky, even with least they are alive.

  6. Amanda @ That's What She SaidMay 24, 2011 at 3:16 PM

    I was equally as upset about the ordeal. Joplin was almost as much of my childhood as Parsons was. It's so hard to believe all that happened. I can't believe Brenna had to go through that. It's simply terrifying. I'm glad she and her family are safe! 

  7. Oh my god, I'm so glad your friend and her family are safe; I'll be keeping everyone in Joplin in my thoughts.

  8. Katie, I am so sorry you and your family were affected by this tragedy.  I live in St. Louis and it has been all over the news.  Sending prayers your way.

  9. Ohhh Katie, I'm so sorry to hear that some of your loved ones were affected by the tornado. I'm sending love to YOU and everyone who is struggling through this. <3

  10. Thank god all your friends and family are safe, sending warm wishes to you all girly 

  11. Thank you for posting this, Katie. I've been terrified of the storms coming our way the past few days since the tornado. As much as I hurt for everyone in Joplin, I can't imagine what it must feel like in the first-person. 

  12. I am still is shock about it, craxy.

  13. Praying for all affected by the terrible storms- so scary!

  14. This post brought tears to my eyes. The terror, devastation and death... I can't even begin to imagine. I am SO glad that your sister and friends are all safe, but I know it will be a long healing process for them mentally. My prayers are with all those in Joplin. 

  15. I'm glad your friends are okay. I have a good friend in Joplin and for days I couldn't find him and his house was totally gone. But he's alive and well, thank goodness. And boy, FB sure helped... for all its negatives, that is the HUGE positive when things like this happen. Sending love to all of Joplin.

  16. My heart goes out to your friend and so many other people in Joplin who've lost all their possessions and friends and loved ones. It's just heartbreaking. Your friend and her boyfriend sound very lucky to be alive.  It reaffirms in me just how fortunate I am. There are so many people around the U.S. and world who are going through or who have experienced tragedies I can't even begin to comprehend. Makes my tiny frustrations at work seem totally insignificant.

  17. My heart goes out to your friend and all the people in Joplin who have lost all their possessions and/or friends and loved ones. I can't even imagine having to go through what they've had to endure.

    Your friend, her boyfriend, and her family are lucky to be alive it sounds. Now they, as well as all the other survivors, have to try to find some way to get their lives back to normal. I guess that's going to take some time.

    Anyway, when tragedies like this happen it reaffirms in me just how fortunate I am. Compared to so many other people around the U.S. and across the world, my life is easy and the little frustrations I deal with at work insignificant compared to what they're going through.

    It also reaffirms in me that we need to make the most of every single day we have.

    I can't stop thinking about the survivors there in Joplin. My heart is breaking for them.

  18. ive been so disheartened watching the news and hearing about the devastation each and every day. i pray that it lets up and i pray that everyone affected is able to find hope and to find peace. im sorry to everyone who have lost loved ones and lost their life belongings- its just sickening to see the destruction. again, my thoughts and prayers are with you, your family/friends, and everyone affected. stay strong. xoxo <3

  19. I've been watching different videos and looking at pictures online or on the news...but that second video you posted, is unreal. I can't stop crying..again. I so wish I was around to help clear out and help those who still cant find their loved ones. I'm glad Brenna is ok. She is very lucky. Talked to Tim through it all, and it sounds like they were all lucky, even with least they are alive.


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