
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cinnamon Roll Balls

Okay, so remember how I told you guys I made my dad my grandma's "coffee cake" (aka cinnamon rolls) for Father's Day?

Well, I ended up burning them while I was writing that post!

How sad is that? I was really upset, especially since I worked so hard to do something special for my dad.

I haaattee when my surprises are ruined!  I put all that time and effort into making something so perfect for somebody and then it gets ruined!  Such a bummer!

It's okay, though.  You know why?  When life hands you burnt cinnamon rolls, go with it.

The centers of mine were still okay, so I made cinnamon roll balls.  Like cake balls, only cinnamon rolls!

So yummy!

Have you guys ever accidentally ruined a surprise?  What did you do about it?

Cinnamon Roll Balls

2-3 large cinnamon rolls
1/8 cup water
1/4 cup powdered sugar
2 cups white chocolate
2 teaspoons oil

1.  Process cinnamon rolls in a food processor until small crumbs are formed.
2.  Add water and powdered sugar.  *Add more water if needed.  Should be a doughy consistency.  (The water and powdered sugar are to make an 'icing' flavor.)
3.  Roll into 1 inch balls and place in freezer until semi-sold.
4.  Melt white chocolate and oil.
5.  Dip balls into chocolate. Chill until the chocolate has hardened.
*Optional: Sprinkle with cinnamon.


  1. Sorry your surprise didn't work, but these balls sound really yummy!

  2. Oh my gosh! I think those look so adorable and tasty.  That's amazing that you were able to resurrect them.  

    I smiled to myself when reading this because the EXACT same thing happened to me one time.  My family was going home after a long trip, and I wanted to do something special to surprise them.  I decided to make cinnamon rolls, but I ended up burning them to a crisp.  There was nothing I could do to save them.  I decided to make another batch at 11 pm that night.  It was worth it! 

  3. These are absolutely brilliant! :) I love your blog and you are beautiful! :)

  4. What a save! Those little nuggets of concentrated cinnamon bun goodness look fabulous. :)

  5. These are darling, Katie! Hard to believe it's a result of a mistake! You were smart to come up with a way to salvage what was edible. They're just so cute! :)

    Yeah...I ruined a surprise...yesterday in fact. I made a batch of Turkish Delight and was planning to bring it to a couple of people who would have really enjoyed it. I ended up having problems though. It's weird because the first time I made it, it turned out perfect. But yesterday it flopped and I can't figure out how. I followed the recipe precisely. My candy thermometer was calibrated perfectly. But my Turkish Delight never got up to temp. In fact, I could never get it above 182 degrees and it was supposed to go up to 235 degrees. But the Turkish Delight got so thick I could hardly stir it and it started burning because it was just too thick to stir.

    So my husband and I decided to take it off the heat and see how it turned out. It set up just fine. It tastes wonderful...except for a few chewy parts here and there. We'll eat it but I can't give it any of it away as I planned. In fact, I don't think I'll ever make it again because I can't figure out for the life of me what went wrong. That's a real bummer.

    So instead of bring Turkish Delight as planned, I'll surprise them with some chocolate dipped figs dipped in chopped pistachios. And I'll fess up about the Turkish DElight. I'll just buy them from the store and tell them I'm sorry mine flopped. :)

  6. You should totally be happy your surprise didn't work out otherwise these little babies would never have been born! What a fantastic idea! They look so good!

  7. You. Are. Brilliant.  These look SO good!  I love cake balls and now I can kind of have them for breakfast :)  How many did this recipe make?

  8. Sometimes the best recipes come out of mistakes!
    I'd love to bite in one of them!

  9. Katie, you are CRAZY! Those look insanely good. I don't even know what to do with myself right now. You are such a creative food genius :-) 

  10. What brilliant way to salvage burnt cinnamon rolls. They look gorgeous and even more inviting than the cinnamon rolls.

  11. what a great little treat! These look delicious :D 

  12. So creative! Yay for making lemonade out of lemons, so to speak!

  13. thank you so much veronica! :)

  14. aww thanks sherri! haha YES definitely breakfast! they made probably about 20.

  15. jennie, thanks! i am happy i was able to salvage them! :)

  16. thanks a bunch sheila!

    i've never had turkish delight, only heard of it.  mannn what a bummer!! :( that's okay, you can send me the leftovers, i don't mind if they're chewy! haha
    i'm sure they won't mind... at least you've got an excuse!!

  17. thank you nicole! your kind words made my day :)

  18. allison! thank you!
    it's reassuring to hear that i'm not the only one it happened to! haha!

  19. So creative! Yay for making lemonade out of lemons, so to speak!

  20. that is one cool concept! Brillant....and thank you for sharing!


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