
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Funnel Cake Cupcakes

Oh my gosh!

I have like 3 or 4 other recipes I've made the past few days that I'm dying to tell you about, but they have to wait.

Last night I made some muffins.  They're really good and I'll give you the recipe soon.  Promise.  But this is important#!$!@!

After I made muffins last night, a genius idea struck me.... Funnel cake cupcakes!

I love, love, love funnel cake, but let's get real... it's one of those foods you should probably only eat once a year at the fair or wherever.  It's deep-fried and too much of it will make you sick, but too many baked cupcakes will not make you sick! (Don't quote me.)

These are only 78 calories each.  With powdered sugar, they're 93.  You need powdered sugar, though, so disregard my first statement.   93 calorie funnel cake?!  YES!

Honestly, I didn't have high hopes for this recipe (which is why there aren't any preparation pictures.. sorry!).  I searched for "baked funnel cake" on Google before I made these and couldn't find anything so I just assumed it probably wasn't a good idea, but went for it anyway.  I tried to make it into funnel cake shape on a pan first, but that was a disaster, so I just put the batter in a cupcake tin and crossed my fingers.  Oh wooww... I can't even tell you how excited I was when I tasted these.  I tried half of one and I knew it would taste just like funnel cake if I topped it with powdered sugar.  And it did.  And I was happy.  And I sent Kellen this text:

BUT!!! There's always a but, huh?  But, I tried these this morning and they didn't taste like funnel cake anymore.  They were still good, but they tasted like regular cupcakes.  So if you're going for the funnel  cake taste, eat them ALL straight out of the oven. ;)

Funnel Cake Cupcakes

1 ½ cups all purpose flour
¾ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
1 large egg beaten
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 cup milk (I used almond milk)
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar

1. Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a large bowl. 
2.Whisk the egg into the milk mixture, then add to the flour mixture and mix. Mixture should be like pancake batter. 
3. Pour into cupcake pan about 2/3 of the way.
4. Bake for 15-17 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean and the edges are golden brown.
5. Dust with powdered sugar.

**If you just want to make this a regular funnel cake, fill the bottom of a skillet with vegetable oil and heat.  Then slowly pour funnel cake mixture around until golden.


  1. I have such fond memories of having funnel cakes at Disneyland.  You're right; it's probably not the best go-to treat.  I love this idea.  Thank you for the tip about eating them right out of the's probably that crispness that baked goods have as soon as they're done!


  2. OMG what a fabulous idea! I was just at the street fair earlier this week eating a funnel cake.  I ate about a third of it and felt extremely sick afterward.  It's definitely a once a year thing for me, but maybe these cupcakes can change that!

  3. i love funnel cake! what a clever little baker ;)

  4. I just had to do a double take here - you kill me with these ideas!!!

  5. 93 calories?! Don't mind if I do! Awesome idea! Always say yes to powdered sugar.

  6. Never tried fennel in a cake, that looks great!

  7. Haha, love the iphone text! I don't mind them with or without powdered sugar, I'd eat them any day!

  8. These look delightful! I love the smell of funnel cake (and the taste too of course)!

  9. What a wonderful idea! Love it.

  10. These look delightful! I love the smell of funnel cake (and the taste too of course)!

  11. Never tried fennel in a cake, that looks great!


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