
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yellow Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Hello, guys!

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!  Mine was spent with Kellen, friends, food, and fireworks!  Can't get much better than that. :)

Okay, so I of course wanted to make a festive dessert, and I did, but I just couldn't decide what I wanted to make.

I ended up deciding on cupcakes and I was completely pumped about it and ready.  The recipe looked great and the whole time I was thinking "this had better be the best cupcake I've ever made" because they're pretty labor intensive.

Nope.  I overbaked the first batch and the frosting wasn't so great (If you make these, I recommend turning the temperature down to 350).  But hey, they were still red white and blue!

Anyway, I'm still on the hunt for the best cupcake recipe ever.  What is yours?? And what did you all do for the 4th?
Also, I always mess up cream cheese frosting!  It gets all elastic.  What can I do to fix that?

Yellow Cupcakes
Click here for recipe!

 To make egg whites, it's best to have a cold mixing bowl and room temperature whites!

Overbaked. :(


  1. Nice cupcakes! And I lie the frosting!

  2. Sorry, oops... I LIKE the frosting! ^

  3. Your cupcakes look beautiful, Katie! And the ones you overbaked look fine to me. Maybe that's because I'm not such a good cupcake maker? :)

    I wish I could help you with the cream cheese frosting, but I seriously suck at frostings. :(

    I'm not sure I have a favorite cupcake recipe because I actually haven't tried making many cupcakes. Maybe I need to try making cupcakes more often. :)

    We had a nice dinner with friends on the 4th and just relaxed. It was a nice day! Sounds like you had one too! :)

  4. Oh my God this looks so good and i`m sure that it is delicious too. I think it is not a very difficult recipe so i will give it a try, thanks a lot for sharing.


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