
Monday, September 26, 2011

Healthy Deep Dish Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

No, I didn't wake up thinking "I'm gonna make a bean cake," because that's disgusting.

I did, however, wake up thinking "Uh oh, it's my friends birthday and she only eats healthy foods.  What should I do?"

That's when you head over to Katie's website.  It's the perfect solution for the situation I found myself in.

I browsed through her recipes and they all look so good, but I settled for the deep dish cookie pie, because who doesn't love cookie pies?

Let me tell you, this is the best option for a "birthday cake" for someone who is a health freak.  I was really worried about making a pie with beans in it, so I made it and didn't tell my friend what was in it until after she ate it.  Even after she found out that it was made almost completely of beans, she still devoured the entire pie in a day (with help from others).  Success?  I think so.

Healthy Deep Dish Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie
Click HERE for recipe.  
*The only substitute I made was swapping out white sugar for the brown sugar and I only used 1 and 1/4 cups sugar.


  1. Solution you found for your friend seems and looks yummy too;)

  2. I am very intrigued! I've had black bean brownies before and they were good, so no doubt this is good too!

  3. That's original! But it looks delicious, I've once found a healthy chocolate cake recipe with zucchinis in it!

  4. I can't quite believe this is 100% healthy with all that frosting but it does look absolutely delicious! :-)

  5. I'm pretty sure I've already asked you before but can you please come be my roommate? If not that's ok! Let's just have a girls night bake! This looks so delicious!!


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